BTE Winter 2021

Barry Parker • 8 December 2021

Tis'The Season

Wet, wild and windy becomes the everyday normal, have you considered some of the basics over the winter months?

Understanding your vehicle needs during the cold winter months can certainly change your outlook and approach to driving. We answer some basic 'Myths' below;

As long as you can see out of your windscreen, you’re good to go - False


A lot of us are probably guilty of ‘portholing’ - clearing a small portion of your windscreen so that you can see out - but this is actually an offence. Rule 229 of the Highway Code states, “before you set off you MUST be able to see, so clear all snow and ice from all your windows.”

You could be fined £60 by the police if your windscreen or windows are obstructed in any way.

Winter driving is more dangerous because the days are shorter - True

Although there tends to be more drivers on the road during the day, reduced visibility at night is one of the chief reasons that it’s more dangerous to drive at this time, along with the increased risk of snowy and icy conditions thanks to plummeting temperatures. Plus, since it gets dark a lot earlier, more people are forced to hit the road when they might normally avoid it. 


You only need your air conditioning in the summer - False


It's called air conditioning, rather than air cooling, for a reason. The warm air from the system is a great way to demist your windows, and because the air is dry, it acts as a dehumidifier. 

Even more importantly, your air conditioning is like a human body - if you fail to use it for long periods of time, it's likely it will seize up. To keep yours in good working condition, use it all year round. And don't forget to book an air-con regas whenever it runs out!



T H U R S D A Y 2 3 R D  D E C E M B E R : 8 : 0 0 A M - 5 : 3 0 P M
F R I D A Y  2 4 T H  D E C E M B E R :
M O N D A Y  2 7 T H  D E C E M B E R :
T U E S D A Y  2 8 T H  D E C E M B E R :
W E D N E S D A Y  2 9 T H  D E C E M B E R :
T H U R S D A Y  3 0 T H  D E C E M B E R :
F R I D A Y  3 1 S T  D E C E M B E R :
M O N D A Y  3 R D  J A N U A R Y :
T U E S D A Y  4 T H  J A N U A R Y :
8 : 0 0 A M - 5 : 3 0 PM

We understand the additional stresses during the Festive period and high demands (and expectations) we place on our vehicles. Our team are always here to help and advise, so please don't hesitate to call, email or drop should you need us.

Thank you all, for your continued support, on behalf of all at BTE, we are wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New year.


Barry Parker

BTE Automotive

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